Research Seminar

The progress of the dissertation or thesis research of all PPGBBE students is monitored based on a written report and an oral presentation of a research seminar. Master students present a seminar each semester (Seminars I-III) whereas PhD students present the first seminar after 6 months of their registration (Seminar I) and then yearly on the 18th month (Seminar II) and 36th month (Seminar III). PhD students must also present a Qualifying Seminar between 24th and 30th month after registration.

In all cases, written student reports and oral presentations are evaluated by a faculty board selected by the PPGBBE Committee. The board includes three members with PhD degrees in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology related areas, at least one member is BBE Faculty.

Students with two insufficient successive presentations will have their scholarships canceled. Those who show exceptional progress in their research will receive honorable commendation.

Written Report

Research project progress reports are due by the last Friday of March (1st Semester Seminar) and until the last Friday of August (2nd Semester Seminar) at the PPGBBE Secretariat. The written report must be signed by the advisor and delivered in three paper copies and one digital version.

The reports must be written in Times New Roman font size 12, spaced 1.5 cm and margins 2.0 cm. The report header should include: (1) Names of student and advisor (s), (2) Course Degree (master’s or doctorate), (3) Title of dissertation or thesis, (3) Seminar number and (4) Year and semester of entry into PPGBBE.

The report must contain: Title, Introduction, Objectives, Justification, Methodology, Results and Discussion (when relevant), Bibliography, Schedule and Academic Activities (publications, congresses, etc.). The report should have a maximum of 10 pages. The cover and academic activities will be counted as additional pages.

See more formatting details and report content in the Student Handbook.

Oral Presentations

The seminars will always be presented in the first week of April and the first week of September in the Blue Room (Block A, CCS), in public session according to the schedule to be announced.

Oral presentations (prepared in .ppt) will be no longer than 10 minutes (except 15 minutes in Seminars III) and should follow the same format as the written report. The reports will be assessed in advance and the presentations will be followed by discussion with the board. The presence of the advisor is advisable.

Presentation Schedule

Tuesday April 18th 2023 Morning

10h00-10h40Lilian de Andrade BritoDCassia SakuraguiSeminário IIIKarla Soares, Paulo Salomon e José Leonardo Mattos
10h40-11h20Lucas Campello GonçalvesMJosé R. MermudesSeminário IIIKarla Soares, Paulo Salomon e José Leonardo Mattos
11h20-11h50Matheus Vieira LopesDMichelle KlautauSeminário IIKarla Soares, Paulo Salomon e José Leonardo Mattos
11h50-12h20Ariel La Pasta MilagresMMichelle KlautauSeminário IIKarla Soares, Paulo Salomon e José Leonardo Mattos

Tuesday April 18th 2023 Afternoon

13h30-14h00Lorena Silva de SouzaMLeila PessôaSeminário IIClaudia Russo e Jose Leonardo Mattos
14h00-14h30Jefferson Sauceda ValderramaMDaniela TakiyaSeminário IIClaudia Russo e Jose Leonardo Mattos
14h30-15h00Júlia Bontempo Cardoso EmydioMHaydée CunhaSeminário IIClaudia Russo e Jose Leonardo Mattos
15h00-15h30Bruno de Tolvo BorsoniMIsmar CarvalhoSeminário IIClaudia Russo e Jose Leonardo Mattos
15h30-16h00Rayssa Santos De Almeida PiresMRoberto Novaes Seminário IClaudia Russo e Jose Leonardo Mattos

Wednesday April 19th 2023 Morning

9h00-9h30Alexandra Paris ToledoMCarla ZilberbergSeminário IRoberto Leonan e João Oliveira
9h30-10h00Sara Emilly Crisostomo PereiraMMichelle KlautauSeminário IRoberto Leonan e João Oliveira
10h00-10h30Isabella França De LimaMMichelle KlautauSeminário IRoberto Leonan e João Oliveira
10h30-11h00Daniel Mello de OliveiraMLeila PessoaSeminário IRoberto Leonan e João Oliveira
11h00-11h30Camila Augusto PugaDPaulo PaivaSeminário IRoberto Leonan e João Oliveira
11h30-12h00Angela Ferreira PortellaDClaudia RussoSeminário IRoberto Leonan e João Oliveira
12hAvaliação da disciplina - todos convidados
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